Wednesday, February 16, 2011

|SPOILER| Hightower assume as investigações e observa Patrick Jane de perto

Em Red Gold, episódio que irá ao ar nesta quinta-feira, 17/02/2011, Hightower sairá a campo para as investigações após acidente que afastará Teresa Lisbon do caso. Mas a agente sênior não sofrerá nada grave, garante o Mega Buzz desta semana. Madeline deverá prosseguir com as investigações e terá que atuar ao lado de Patrick Jane. De acordo Bruno Heller, criador da série, Madeline observará de perto o método de trabalho de Jane, o que a tornará menos propensa a aceitar suas artimanhas, mas isso não necessariamente prejudicará a relação entre ela e o consultor. Bruno acrescenta que poderá ser preocupante para Lisbon um bom relacionamento entre Jane e Hightower. Confira o Mega Buzz:


I heard Lisbon will be hurt on an upcoming episode of The Mentalist. Got any details? — Elaine
ADAM: Lisbon will indeed be sidelined, but it's nothing serious. Her absence will, however, force Hightower into the field with Jane, which series creator Bruno Heller says may alter her hands-off approach. "Hightower gets a firsthand look at how Jane operates, and she becomes less enamored with just letting him do his thing," Heller says. "Once you have to deal with it in the moment, it's not as easy as the theory." But it won't necessarily damage Jane and Hightower's relationship. "From Lisbon's perspective, it's kind of a little worrying and jealous-making that Jane and Hightower get along," Heller says.


Créditos: Adam Bryant (TV Guide).

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