Thursday, February 10, 2011

|SPOILER| Hightower estará envolvida com a morte de Todd Johnson?

Foto: Michael Yarish/CBS.
A misteriosa morte de Todd Johnson, incendiado nas dependências do CBI no episódio Red Moon - exibido em 18/11/2010 - causou polêmica dentre os fãs de The Mentalist. Quem o teria assassinado? Sabe-se do envolvimento de Johnson com o serial killer Red John, mas sua morte aponta suspeitos dentro da equipe do CBI. O evento trouxe para a trama o personagem J.J. LaRoche (Pruitt Taylor Vince), um detetive observador e sarcástico, responsável por investigar o assasinato de Todd. Seria Madeline Higtower a envolvida? Segundo nota da TV Guide, LaRoche revelará que Hightower esteve envolvida com uma das vítimas de Johnson. Uma bomba ainda maior estourará: Hightower era a única que detinha motivo para assassinar Todd Johnson e também acesso livre para a cela dele. Madeline ainda apontará uma arma para Patrick Jane e escapará das dependências do CBI. Confira a matéria abaixo:

Who set fire to serial cop-killer Todd Johnson, executing him in his jail cell? That mystery has been haunting the characters of The Mentalist since November, and tonight one of the CBI's own is fingered as the perp!

First, agent J.J. LaRoche (Pruitt Taylor Vince), who's been investigating the case as head of CBI's internal affairs, will reveal that one of Johnson's victims had been sleeping with Madeline Hightower, the CBI boss played by Aunjanue Ellis. Then LaRoche drops an even bigger bombshell: Hightower was the only one with both a clear motive and security clearance to enter Johnson's cell. Soon after, Hightower holds Patrick Jane (Simon Baker) hostage with a gun to his head and makes an escape from CBI headquarters.

"It's a real shocker," says Ellis. "Since I'm not a series regular, I've never assumed anything, especially because the writers have given Hightower this impenetrable veneer of mystery."

The episode also delivers more mind-bending hints about supervillain Red John and his growing network of associates - and it's driving the cast crazy. "The actors all sit around asking each other, 'Who do you think Red John is?'" says Ellis. "After a while, you start thinking, 'Is it me?' You can't help but get a little paranoid, because The Mentalist is that kind of show!"

Créditos: Spoiler TV e TV Guide.
Agradecimentos (Special Thanks to): TL. Please, follow: @robintunneynews.

1 comment:

  1. I love YOUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!
    My friend (Lea) also says thanks!

