Tuesday, September 25, 2012

|SPOILER| Mega Buzz on Lisbon's Red John-like obsession

What's this I hear about Lisbon getting her own Red John-like obsession on The Mentalist? — Destiny
ADAM: It's true. The show is crafting a three-episode arc during which creator Bruno Heller says Lisbon "becomes like Tommy Lee Jones in The Fugitive." But who is she after? The show is casting two likely suspects: There's an adventurous multimillionaire playboy who buys spacecraft and travels to exotic locales to distract people from learning the real source of his income, as well as a cerebral, mysterious government official. Whoever it is, Lisbon will more clearly understand Jane's obsession. "She gets a bit of a killer instinct," Heller says. "Once you've felt that urge and that need, you understand people in that same frame of mind much better."

Source: TV Guide.

1 comment:

  1. Nada haver essa estória de Lisbon ter obsessão com RJ, é mais um enrolação pra distanciar de Jane, basta a piriguete ciscando, já está chato isso...

